Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Baby Number 1!

We found out I was pregnant on May 19, 2015! I took the test first thing in the morning and wasn't expecting much. We had only been trying a couple of months. When I saw the second line I got major butterflies. It didn't feel real! I left the test in the bathroom and pulled Jake out of bed to come see. He looked at it, gave me a big hug and kiss and said, "Congratulations!" Haha. He promises he'll react better next time. ;) After the initial shock wore off we were both SO excited!

Our announcement to the world at 11 weeks, right after we heard the heart beat for the first time.

I had an easy pregnancy. I was sick for about a month, but was able to function through it. We didn't have any complications and there were only a few emergency craving McDonald's runs. One of which was on Thanksgiving. Not my finest moment. ;)

The Birth Story:

I was 41 weeks and 1 day pregnant when I went into labor. Which basically translates to 5,000 weeks pregnant. I was very pregnant. We had a super busy day. We went to Lowe's, Costco, Wal Mart, and dinner with my parents for their Christmas present. I had noticed some contractions during the day, but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. I got in the shower that night and had my first real labor contraction. It was definitely stronger than all the others. The thought that I could be in labor crossed my mind, but I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I didn't say anything to Jake. After a few more like the first I finally admitted that I miiiiight be in labor! 

After an hour of contractions that I couldn't talk through, Jake decided it was time to call the midwife (Melissa Mayo). I was still in denial and was so nervous that she was going to drive all the way out to our house, and I wasn't going to be in labor. It all seems so obvious now! Melissa got here and confirmed I was indeed going to have a baby, so to try and get some sleep. Yeah, right. My contractions were 2-3 mins apart and 1 minute long from the start and they HURT. Sleep definitely wasn't happening. 

After another hour or so, we filled the birth tub. That is where I had planned to have the baby. I kept saying that I didn't want to get in yet because I was afraid the pain was going to get so much worse, and I wanted to save that relief for later. That mentality lasted all about 30 mins. :) The tub felt nice, but I was starting to feel panicky. The whole time I was in denial and was resisting the idea that this was happening and I couldn't go back. Looking back I would have been in a much better place mentally if I would have accepted each contraction and relaxed/got excited rather than resisting and pretending it wasn't happening. You live and you learn! 

I got to a point where I wanted to escape. I didn't want to give birth, I didn't want to be awake, and I didn't want a baby. I just flat out wanted to be done. I was in full blown panic mode and didn't know how to handle the pain anymore. Jake was an INCREDIBLE support. He was scared too, but he didn't show it, and followed me from room to hallway to shower to tub to bed over and over again as I worked through the contractions. 

I wasn't dilating past a 9. My contractions were right on top of each other, but my water needed to break so I could finish dilating and start pushing. I practically demanded Melissa break my water, and she did. After that I stayed on the bed and soon after started pushing. I pushed for about 3 hours. I had planned on having my parents at the house to see the baby immediately after he was born, but in the thick of things I didn't want anyone going or anyone coming. Everything needed to stay the same. Ryan Thomas Apple was born at 7:03am on Sunday morning (January 31st) weighing 8 lb 4 oz, 21 1/2 inches long. 

Seeing him for the first time was amazing. Suddenly there was a connection between all the kicks and rolls we had felt, and this perfect little person. He came out mostly bald, but with a little red hair. He nursed like a champ! We called my parents right after he was born and they got here about an hour later. Everyone was so excited to meet our boy. 

Would I do a home birth again? Maybe. I don't regret doing it, but I'm not sure I want to do it again. Some drugs sound real nice. ;) Luckily, we have a while before we have to make that decision again. We are SO grateful that everything went smoothly and everyone is healthy and happy.

Planting Roots

Shortly after getting married, we started building our first home out in Eagle Mountain. We were living in an apartment and had the most awful landlord and were counting down the days until we could get out of there. We bought out of our contract and lived with my parents for a few months. We moved  into our home at the end of September 2015. 

We truly love it out here! Everything is further away than we're used to, but I think we're finally adjusted. The views are killer. Mountains and farm land everywhere! 

We're starting to get to know our neighbors too, which is huge when you're a stay at home mom. They've all been great so far and are quick to lend a helping hand, especially as we tackle landscaping our backyard. I know Jake appreciates the help and I love an excuse to bake thank you cookies! 

It was really cool watching our house go up. We drove out here once a week and watched the progress. It was extra exciting when the finishing touches like paint, flooring, and cabinets went in. Definitely made things feel more home-y and less construction-y. :) 

Sometimes we're tempted to move back closer to our family/Jake's work, or go on some grand adventure for a couple of years, but I can really see us growing our family out here. It's a really good community and feels like where we're meant to be! 

Shotgun Wedding+Seattle

Jake and I were only engaged for one week. Yep, 7 whole days. We originally had planned to get married on March 8th with all our friends and family, so we immediately started planning.

We started looking at venues, picking flowers, etc. It was STRESSFUL. After looking at a barn that was supposed to be cute and charming (it ended up smelling horribly and was nothing close to cute) we sat in the car and Jake suggested, again, that we elope. I hated how we were focusing on pleasing our guests and really just wanted to be married already, so much to Jake's surprise, I agreed. Upon one condition. I said we had to do it FAST, before I changed my mind. He didn't object. :)

 We decided our immediate families should be included, so we settled for a somewhat secluded park in Murray with lots of trees. Our good friend Coleman married us. It was cold, and quick, and perfect. We didn't have a photographer, and my mom put together my bouquet with grocery store flowers. I had purchased my dress at the mall two days before. Everyone blew bubbles when we sealed the deal with a kiss!

We took off road tripping to Seattle right after. We stopped for the night in Burley, Idaho and almost got denied a hotel room for not being 21. Still makes me laugh! Luckily we were from out of town so the rules were bent. :) We finished the drive to Seattle and played tourist for a couple days before making the trek back home.

 This was NOT how I had always imagined my wedding day! I definitely had a pinterest board full of wedding ideas. However, when you find the perfect person, you don't care nearly as much about all the frill. You just want to be married. I wouldn't change a thing!!


After spending one college semester in Provo, I had moved back to West Jordan and got an apartment with my best friend Paige. Jake was super excited that he didn't have to blow a bunch of money on diesel to drive down and see me anymore. :) He came and picked me up from the apartment on January 1st, 2015 to spend the day together, and I knew exactly what was happening! 

He drove me out to all of "our spots." We got out at each one and reminisced on all our good talks, laughs, and tears...ok, my tears. He even had a playlist going of all our favorite songs and "marry me" by Jason Derulo. ;) We had relied on each other a lot for advice and support at these places, making it extra special. 

The last one was right up next to some train tracks by the Great Salt Lake, where we were lucky enough to watch the train go by just several feet from us one time. So so cool. It was snowing and I was still in a giant boot from ankle surgery, so we hobbled out stood by the tracks. He told me how much he loved me, and how he couldn't wait to keep adventuring. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! 

We drove to our parent's houses and shared the news! Jake had planned the perfect engagement and everyone was super excited and supportive.

Thanks, Facebook

My Jake went through a "date all the girls" period. When his interviewer for his current job asked what he did with his free time, he said "I date. I date a lot." They thought that was pretty dang funny, and after he got the job, they made a bunch of business cards with his picture and famous quote to pass out to all the single ladies. No one took the bait. I, however, couldn't resist like they did.

 I got a totally awkward and somewhat creepy message in my Facebok inbox from a guy who I had never seen in my life as a senior in high school, and ran with it. We had mutual friends, after all. ;) Aren't we all glad he didn't end up being an ax murderer??

It was hands down my best first date. The conversation was easy, food was good, and the dancing was so much fun! He took a little more convincing, and for a while all I was good for was giving relationship advice for him and his other girlfriends. Boooo.
 We spent a TON of time together, and eventually he got on board and decided I wasn't so bad. In fact, once we became an "item", we only dated for about 5 months before he pulled out a ring. Next came a one week engagement, a shotgun wedding, quick honeymoon in Seattle, and our first apartment. A couple months later we built our first house, and got a positive pregnancy test. We've never really wasted any time, if you haven't caught on to that already. :)

Our Ryan Thomas was born on January 31st, 2016, and we couldn't be happier! We've been blessed with an incredible life so far, all thanks to Facebook and one confident avid dater.