Saturday, December 17, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Nine and Ten Month Update
Here's the kiddo's 9 month update! Ryan •puts himself to sleep •loves his daddy best •wants to crawl so bad, and is so close. He goes backwards and in circles on his belly but not forward •has some serious stranger danger, but it's nothing a little peek-a-boo won't fix •weighs 18lbs and is 30in long. •has 2 bottom teeth and one top that's almost through! We love him so dang much! This has been a super fun stage as he gets more and more playful.
We also paid another visit to the cardiologist during his 9th month. Ryan has VSD, if you feel like googling. We were expecting the little holes in his heart to close by now, but they're still open. The doc says as long as he continues to grow and doesn't show any symptoms, he'll be ok and we will revisit it again in another 9 months or so. It's not the news we wanted to hear, but we trust this doctor and will just continue to keep an eye on him!
Our three toothed little hick is 10 months old! Currently Ryan •is all play all the time... kid never slows down •is so funny and if you laugh at him he'll keep doing whatever he was doing •loves the "I'm gonna get you!" game •gives the sweetest loves and slobbery open mouthed kisses •still takes 2 naps a day, but I have a feeling we're transitioning to 1 soon. Love my days with this baby, it's hard to imagine having two!