Saturday, August 26, 2017


We love weekends! They are such a reset for our family and a nice change of pace from the demands of the week. I always wake up on Friday morning with a little pep in my step knowing that Jake will be home for 2 full days to change all the poppy diapers and give me time to nap. ;) only kind of kidding. Really though, we love soaking up every uninterrupted second we get together. 

Here's Ryan "helping" me with the laundry while we waited for dad to come home from work on Friday. We also went to the splash pad down the street with our friends Casey and Logan that morning.

A quick barf down Jake's back and he was OUT. 

So many good thunderstorms this summer! I swear it'll be blue skies and sunshine, then all of a sudden it will get dark and come pouring down. We've gotten stuck in a surprise rainstorm TWICE with two different friends at the park within the last month. 

Lazy, sleepy, slow weekends are our kinds of weekends. 

It was my turn to plan date night tonight and we didn't have a sitter, so we did a little fall clothes shopping for Ryan and then went to The Cheesecake Factory for the sweet tamale cakes and bread. 

We kept him distracted while we waited for our food by showing him how to roll his tongue. It was so funny watching him concentrate so hard. I'm pretty sure he thought he was doing it. :) 

 We had planned to stop at the Thanksgiving Point Farm on the way home (I'm pretty sure our season pass has already paid for itself with how many times we have been!) but then our neighbors invited us to a kickball game so we decided to do that instead. By the time we got home we were all so tired we canceled all plans and hung out in the yard instead. It was a nice end to the night!

One more day of weekend bliss before the week hits and life speeds up again! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bear Lake 2017

Bear Lake has always been one of my favorite family traditions. I've been going every year for as long as I can remember. It used to be my family, the Sumsions, and some of their friends. Jeaneal would bring her dogs, cat, and her bird Jade in her trailer. I have fond memories of playing card games with her boys, and learning how to Skii on the lake. It was seriously so fun! Over the years the Sumsions kids have grown up and they've started going to the Gorge, and my moms sister Christie and her family have taken over the Bear Lake tradition with us. Now that I have kids of my own, it has gotten even sweeter! There's nothing like watching your boy run around and get dirty all day long. Pure toddler bliss. Next year we'll have a one year old and a two and a half year THAT will be fun. 

This year we spent 4 days and 3 nights over there. We stayed in my parents tent trailer and I was so nervous about sleeping arrangements! Hunter ended up sleeping with Jake and I, Ryan slept on the other bed with the couch next to it in case he rolled off (which he did), and the dog slept on the floor in the middle. It was kind of crazy trying to get Ryan to sleep, but we survived. Usually we just lay him down in his crib and he puts himself to sleep, but we had to rock and rock and rock him in the trailer. By the third day we wised up and took him on a drive until he fell asleep and then transferred him to the bed, which worked like a charm. He didn't take any naps so by bedtime he was exhausted!

We played at the campground a bunch, went on a couple walks, spent 2 days at the beach, ate yummy shakes, sat around a campfire every night, and had an overall really fun time. Hunter was such an angel the whole time! 

Elli crashed out on the lake one day and had to be towed back to shore. Somehow Hannah and Eric got her out of the water and onto the sand without waking her up, and she took a solid nap in that position. Sweet girl was WIPED! Those kids played hard.

The drives weren't as rough as I was expecting and we can't wait to go back. I do have to say though, warm running water, my own toilet and shower, and our own beds felt like luxury when we came home!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wrecking ball

It finally happened... our first urgent care trip with Ryan. He took a dive out of his high chair and hit his head really hard on the way down. When I got to him his little eyes were heavy and he was lethargic, poor baby. I couldn't calm him down so I called Jake and he rushed home. He had a big dent in the middle of his goose egg (freaky!) and bruising under his eyes. He looked pretty bad. The doctor there was super nice, but did a lot of "hmmm" "well..." "hmmm, let me go do some research." Ha. In the end she said because he wasn't vomiting or passing out we were good to go. 

A couple days later we were at the pediatrician and I mentioned his fall. Our AWESOME doctor decided to look him over and told us he definitely had a concussion and likely a small skull fracture. Whaaaat! So upset that the urgent care doctor didn't diagnose that. He said statistically most kiddos in his situation heal just fine, so we just need to watch him close for a couple weeks. They don't like to do imaging unless they have to because of the radiation. If he throws up or starts acting abnormal, it's straight to the ER. So far so good. He seems pretty normal except for that weird dent on his forehead. It's hard to capture it in a picture, but you can kind of see it here. 

If that doesn't go away in a week, I'll probably call and ask if they'll check him again. It's freaky looking and mama isn't messin around with head injury! 

We thought for sure he'd get a gnarly black eye, but he's healed up so fast! The bruising is hardly even there anymore. 

Two days after his fall, he stepped on piece of glass I missed from a broken cup. Luckily it wasn't super deep, but man! This kid is accident prone!  

My dad has been lovingly calling him wrecking ball for some time now. I have to admit it fits him! Everyone cross your fingers for NO more injuries for a long time! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

End of summer

My month long hiatus from blogging was unintentional, but I'm back. Motherhood has been kicking my butt! I've stopped taking a medication that was making me feel funky, set some goals, and refocused on my kiddos and I finally feel like I'm getting a grip on things again. I don't feel like doing a detailed month long recap (and I doubt you want to read that long of a post) so here's a mini summary. 
Ryan's language has exploded lately. His most clear word is "doggy", although he basically thinks all animals are dogs, including flies. He says "please" without the "pl" so it's more like "eeeeease! Eeeeasssssssse!!!!" Haha. He definitely knows what that one means, and when he wants something really really bad his "please" gets super urgent. It's pretty funny. He copies everything we do and is a busy little dude. He's great at walking close when we're out and about and loves to hold hands. 

Hunter is the sweetest 3 month old baby ever. He has such a sweet disposition and loves to sit and just talk and talk at you. His little voice just kills me! We've had our share of breastfeeding struggles but the chiropractor seems to be helping. He's a pretty good sleeper at night (except for when he's not...) and naps great during the day. He will take a bottle of breast milk when mom needs a break...hallelujah! Him and Ryan have started to notice each other. I've caught them smiling at each other a couple times and oh man, it's just the best thing ever! I can't wait until they can play and entertain each other. ;)

I've been going to my Tuesday toning class as often as the babies will let me. It's been such a good outlet! We've had friends over a couple times and I've been stretching out of my comfort zone to get some adult interaction during the day. :) Pluralsight had their summer party at the bees game, and our neighborhood had a BBQ at the park- complete with a live DJ. Jake had a birthday (ALL he wanted was chocolate cake haha), we've made lots of trips to thanksgiving point, and had dinner at the park. We had a failed attempt at the toddler bed, some street fair food, and have watched Moana one too many times. Our garden that we thought was a dud finally bloomed and is producing zucchini and a million tomatoes! Needless to say, it's been a really good end to the summer.

Now I say...bring on Fall!