Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Home Sweet Home!

Brace yourselves for a reeeally long post. Or just skip this one, cause it's about to be all over the place! 
WE'RE HOME!!! We moved in on October 28th, and it's been a whirlwind since. We moved in while still on our construction loan, but with a certificate of occupancy. Which was fine and dandy except converting to a mortgage took WAYYY longer than it should have. I was holding my breath until the very last second. Long story short: they analyzed every. little. piece. of our bank account and were basically convinced we were selling drugs or something. "Where did this deposit come from!?" "Uhh we sold our old piece of crap Ford." "But did you really!? Do you have a bill of sale!? Do you have proof?? We need to see the check! We need every piece of info you have!" So on and so forth. For every even semi-significant deposit in all of history. Happy to report we survived the interrogation and are officially closed. ;) 

We got most of our stuff moved in the first day, and pretty much only unpacked enough to be able to go to bed and have breakfast the next morning. Ryan spent the first couple of weeks sleeping in his pack n play in our closet because his room didn't have blinds yet and our closet was dark. He didn't mind. :) 
We have slowly been getting the place put together. Our list of projects/things to do seems daunting and endless, but all good things take time. We absolutely love it here. The area, neighbors, everything. This move was a really good idea! The day we outgrow this house will be a very sad day. 
We moved in in the thick of Fall so we of course had to squeeze in some fun. We took a couple trips to Cornbellys, went to Peterson Family Farm for some pumpkins and fresh apple juice, and spent lots of time crunching leaves. We had a low key Halloween. I made soup and we passed out candy to all our new little neighbor kids. I last minute dressed Ryan up as a "cub" and it could very well go down as the most thrown together yet adorable costume ever. Love that little boy! 

Grandma Cindy and Ryan have really missed each other since we've been gone so they have soaked up some serious snuggles every time they see each other. We still go to their house for dinner most Sundays, and everyone enjoys it!

We ran away for a weekend in Park City shortly after moving in (running away from responsibility? ;) ) and had LOADS of fun. Jake booked the hotel and picked one that was high up on the mountain. Needless to say when we got out of the truck I almost died over how good it smelled out there! Fresh pine all around. We ate good food, explored Main Street at night, did a little shopping at the outlets, and watched a bunch of Greys Anatomy in the hotel while Ryan napped. We went swimming one evening in the heated outdoor pool and Ryan was in heaven! He's definitely our little fish. When he's in the bath he always sticks his head under the faucet, doesn't care if water gets in his eyes/mouth/etc, and it was the exact same in the pool. He was going nuts. Bonus, it made him dead tired and he knocked out super fast after! 

Last, but not least, Jake got a new job! Recruiters often contact him with opportunities. He usually either ignores them, or interviews for practice but never gets an offer that's enticing enough to move. This particular job he decided to interview for, and they made him a pretty dang good offer. After a bunch of back and forth, negotiating, and counter offers, he decided to make the switch. One of the biggest selling points was that he gets to work from home, only going into the office once every couple of weeks. He started this week and so far so good! It's weird but really nice to have him home all day. He has an office set up in our room and I love popping in to give him a kiss or talk for a few! 
Here's Ryan and Jake, taking a little gaming break. ;) 

Now we're deep in the heart of the Christmas season and loving every minute!! Watching Ryan experience all the fun traditions has been a real treat. 


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