Monday, March 6, 2017

The big O N E

We've got ourselves a one year old! (Like a month ago, but who's keeping track...) So much has already changed since then, but here's our Instagram monthly update from the little guy's birthday! 
Happy happy Birthday to my Ryan! You're officially ONE! At a whole 12 months old, our boy •crawls like a maniac and is FAST! •scales furniture and walls like a pro, and has started experimenting with letting go •has a couple favorites...grandma and dad are high on the list •is into mischief all day •loves to rough house and be chased •snuggles into other kids, animals, and strangers so sweetly upon greeting 
We kept it super low key for his celebration. We just had the grandparents and siblings (and Paige) over for cake and a few presents. It was perfect! He wasn't too overwhelmed and got to stuff chocolate cake in his face. What else could he ask for?! He was so funny about the cake. I held him while we sang, and then plopped him in his seat with a big slab of cake. He was really careful at first, picking at the frosting with one finger. Once he realized what was actually in front of him, he went to town! He would take a big handful, squish it in his fist, and then eat what oozed through his fingers. Ha! It was like he was afraid someone was going to change their mind and take it away, so he wanted to eat as much as he could as fast as possible. 

^^ I love this picture because I look like a total goon, and both Jake and Ryan have "mom's nuts" written all over their faces. Makes me laugh ;)

What a whirlwind of a year it's been! If I've learned anything, it's that you're almost certainly not going to be the mom you imagined you would be. And that's ok! It's all about going with the flow, and accepting that you know nothing. Haha! Talk about a huge learning curve. They're not kidding when they say your first kid is the experiment. Motherhood is so incredibly challenging, and equally rewarding. I wouldn't trade these days with Ryan for the world! I hope he knows how much I adore being his mama. 

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