Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Father's Day weekend

We had such a good Father's Day weekend. On Saturday I hosted Hannah's bridal shower with my mom (I'll do a separate post on that) and that night Jake and I got to sneak away for a date. We grabbed a quick dinner and planned to drive up the canyon for some fresh air, but alas the baby was not happy about being in the car seat that long so we didn't make it very far. At least we got to go on a pretty drive! 

Sunday was all about Jake. We had a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. He got to open his presents from me and the kiddos (letter donuts that spelled dad from the Provo bakery, a new pocket knife, and a tie), and take a nap! We didn't make it to church so we tried to still keep it a calm relaxing day. That evening we visited grandpa and grandma Nielsen and then grandpa Apple and Jake's dad Bob. Then we made our way over to my parents house for a yummy dinner of burgers and corn. Ryan approved! 

Jake's favorite part of Father's Day was these pictures I showed him the night before. I had meant to print them, but ran out of time. 

So typical of Ryan to not even crack a tiny smile for pictures the one time I need him to smile! 
Jake is such a phenomenal dad. Seriously, he's our glue. He is incredibly patient and so willing to take both babies any time I need a break. He's always on the ground playing and making Ryan laugh. We are so lucky! 

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