Friday, September 22, 2017

Chopped hair, smashed fingers, and other happenings

I would love to have long hair, but I just. can't. get past that awkward stage. So I chop it! 

Our Ryan boy is accident prone. We were loading up groceries at Walmart and somehow I completely closed the door (like it clicked shut) on his fingers. It was awful and traumatizing for everyone! They looked broken and we rushed him to instacare next door. They were blue and swollen and there were these GIANT indents where the door was. They did X-rays and by some miracle they weren't broken. The doc said that his bones are still just small and soft enough that they flexed in the door and didn't break. Thank the heavens! Poor buddy. These were the only pictures I could take, hours later when they were just a tiny bit swollen. He healed so fast!!

We met our friends at the park one day. It was cold and windy so we decided to go hang out at Amanda's house down the street. We piled the toddlers in the back seat and drove over there. This picture makes me laugh so hard. It perfectly describes these two. Emery is brave and wild and independent, and Ryan is like wheeeere the heck is my seat?! 

We took the boys to Chubby's Friday evening for a family date night. Ryan got his own kids burger and fries and was in heaven! He was so stoked about his little cup of water. 

On our way home the boys fell asleep so we decided to keep the peace and go for a drive. We ended up on a nice little dirt road and broke out our Western Swing moves. I love this man so much and it was so fun to dance with him again just like we used to! 

Summer turned into fall with little warning and suddenly the air is crisp and we're pulling out winter clothes! The highs this week have been in the 50s and 60s. I swear just yesterday I was pouring sweat on our evening walks, now I'm bundling up the babies before we go! 

Hunt turned 4 months old. How did that happen?? He gets sweeter every day. 

Ryan's definitely a mama's boy, but he loves "helping" Jake work. 

Our Sunday trip to grandma and grandpa's house looked something like this. :) 

This weekend is the beginning of conference and lots of other fun things. Can't believe September is almost already over! 

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