Sunday, January 29, 2017

23 weeks preggo and major mom brain

Gender: Boy!

Weight gain: 15 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Feeling like a whale! Wearing a few maternity shirts but mostly regular long shirts, and wishing I owned a pair of maternity pants. I definitely think they're in my future this time around.

Belly button in or out: Somewhere in the middle

Sleep: Decent, my almost 1 year old is definitely keeping me up more these days than the little babe inside of me ;) 

Best moment this week: Being so productive! I've been cleaning like crazy (more than my usual crazy cleaning) and I don't know if it's that I'm an early nester, or if it's just that pregnancy makes me extra OCD! 

Worst moment this week: No complaints other than some minor aches and pains

Miss anything: Energy. I feel like my body is wearing down much faster this time. I miss doing simple daily tasks with ease, and feeling strong and fit! Like I said before, whale status over here. 

Movement: Mostly in the evenings when I'm lounging. He doesn't show off much during the day, and I have only felt him while standing up a handful of times. We can see him bouncing around from the outside, which is always the coolest part. 

Cravings: Sushi. Candy. Gross (but so good) greasy foods. Jake has made a couple late night McDonald's runs for shame.

Queasy or sick: Feeling good! Random spells of nausea, but definitely manageable. 

Looking forward to: Switching around the kiddos rooms, and holding this baby! I can't wait to do the newborn stage again. 

Loooove those creepers in the back!!

Guess what? I just realized I totally forgot to post our gender reveal post, duh. I can blame this one on mom brain. Since this is old news, I'm going to add on this post from Dec 19th to this one, haha! 

We had our gender ultrasound last week and found out the little nugget growing inside of me is a BOY!! My initial reaction held a tinge of disappointment (probably mostly because I've just been so dang emotional this pregnancy with a million ups and downs, nothing is surprising at this point), but it's gone now and I'm stoked to have another little man cub in the family! 
We didn't get to see his little face because of his position, so all we walked away with was this funny picture of our very obviously little boy!

Forever kissing those cheeks! 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Eleven Month Update

Posted here way late (he's almost 1 now!) but this is accurate as of 3 weeks ago. ;)

11 months old! Ryan •is still rocking the redneck look with his 3 teeth, but 2 more just popped through! •showed us his crawling skills (finally) but he's way more efficient at rolling/scooting and still prefers it •claps, waves, and gives high fives •adores the's mutual :) •loves holding himself up on furniture •loves drawers and cupboards. Ryan super docile in new environments, but man, get that kid home or somewhere he's comfortable and he goes bananas. Our boy is so goofy and fun, we love him half to death!



^^^accurate. Wild little thing. Ha!

Snow Day

After a rough night (thanks teething, give my poor baby a break!) and 8:30am church, this mama desperately needed a nap this afternoon. Jake was so kind to take Ryan AND the dog out for a snow day. Best husband EVER award goes to him! He took a bunch of pictures and of course had to model the baby on his beloved truck. ;) 

I love them!! Jake is such a fun dad and we are loving that Ryan is getting old enough to start enjoying more and more outings. Here's to soaking up our time with one kiddo before there's two to juggle! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!

Christmas married is pretty dang good, but Christmas married with a baby ROCKS. We had such a good jam packed holiday season! 
I'm not great at taking pictures when we're out (getting better) but for the sake of documenting, December leading up to Christmas consisted of the Festival of Trees, the Apple fam Christmas party, The Christmas Carol at Hale Theater, Luminaria at Thanksgiving Point with David and Rissa, and my family's wild Christmas Eve party. We made a bucket list and checked every single one off! I love creating new family traditions and spending as much time together as we can, even if it means some late nights, some heavy traffic, and a little stress here and there. It's all part of the fun. :) 
Christmas morning was magic! We woke up when Ryan did, and brought him into bed to snuggle while he drank a bottle. Then we opened stockings and presents, which Ryan loved!! We got him some stacking blocks and giant legos, but obviously the best parts were the wrapping paper and boxes. To be expected. :) After opening presents and tearing into stocking treats, I made a big yummy breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls, mushroom spinach cheese eggs, and blueberries. We spent the rest of the day in Taylorsville at a luncheon and hanging out with family. It was honestly the best Christmas ever! 

New Years was equally as fun. Hannah and her guy Travis drove down from Logan and celebrated NYE with us. We played banana grams (so fun, you need this game if you don't have it!) and monopoly and ate tons of good food. I totally pulled the pregnant card when justifying three different kinds of dips and every other snacky food that sounded good. No one complained. ;) 
The very best part of the new year was celebrating mine and Jake's 2 year anniversary on the 8th. We ditched the baby with grandma and drove down to Morgan to eat at Taggart Grill. Ask me if I took any pictures...

Haha! I've gotta get better at this. Sorry babe. PS that's a burger on a pita and it was dang good.
 It was an awesome evening and an even better year. Here's to many, many more with this guy!!