Sunday, March 26, 2017

Our weekend in Logan

We're home from our little getaway in Logan! It was short and sweet. We drove down during Ryan's nap time on Friday. (He slept the whole way there, hallelujah!) Our first stop after a quick lunch was to see Emmy! She was so kind to take the boy while Jake and I did a little shopping and just enjoyed some time to ourselves for a couple hours. We thanked her by taking her to dinner, it was so fun to catch up and hear about her happenings these days. Thanks again Emmy. :) 

We had a rough time trying to get the kiddo to sleep in the hotel. We got back after dinner way past his bedtime and he was flying high on a second wind. Running around, throwing tissues everywhere, kissing himself in the mirror....haha he was being cute, but was totally wired. When we tried to get him to sleep he fought it and fought it and fought it until he finally gave in. But not before screaming/crying in our arms so loud a couple times that we thought we would get kicked out....not so funny in the moment, a little funny looking back. We were totally frazzled! Luckily he woke up happy and we weren't *too* tired the next day. 

After breakfast it was pouring rain so we headed down to swim at the indoor hotel pool. We didn't last too long because the water was freezing! It was still fun for the few minutes we stayed. 

After swimming we ran back up to our room to shower and pack up before checking out. Ryan and I slept again for most of the drive home. Poor Jake, he always ends up road tripping alone! At least he gets full control of the radio. ;)
We love going on little trips as a family, and can't wait to check a few more off our summer list after this baby joins us! 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Life at 30 weeks pregnant

Me: I think I'm nesting.
Jake: um....pretty sure you've been nesting since the day we found out you were pregnant. Sweeping, organizing, then scrubbing and sweeping again....
Ha! I think he's right..this pregnancy has brought out the OCD in me. Needless to say, I've kept a very clean house. ;) 
I'm officially 30 weeks now (almost 31) and this belly means business! Right around this time is when I really popped with Ryan too. The baby is sitting head down and extremely low, so any amount of walking/standing quickly becomes painful and I've got the pregnant waddle nailed. I still haven't given into maternity pants (I know, it's silly, but I can't justify $40 on a pair of pants that are wayyyy too short and will only be worn for a couple months) so I'm counting down the days until it's hot and I can just wear dresses 24/7. Thank you hair tie trick in the meantime! All my shirts are getting too short too, so I basically live in pajamas at home. At least Sunday attire is working for me. :) 

Skip this little paragraph if you don't want to hear TMI pregnancy details, but I have to document for my own sake. Last week I was POSITIVE my water had broke. It was so surreal. I was standing in the kitchen, and had a gush of totally clear water like fluid. Not like a dramatic puddle on the floor gush, but big enough for me to be alarmed and have to change my pants....haha. I called my midwife (it's like 9pm) and she says to go to L&D, so we packed up Ryan and off we went. They sent a sample of the fluid to be tested and while we're waiting I get another gush! Shortly after, they come back and say the test was negative. We asked what it was and they basically said they had no idea, but since I wasn't bleeding or contracting they would let me be on my way. How's that for strange! Baby is still cozy inside and perfectly healthy, so we're just chalking it up to pregnancy doing weird things to your body. We're so grateful to not have a preemie! Shout out to my parents for running down to the hospital to pick up Ryan, and then turning right back around when it was a false alarm. 
Here's to 10 more weeks of carrying baby boy, who still has no name. :) 

Ryan is at a tricky tricky age right now. He's so smart and knows what he wants, but he doesn't know how to communicate it. This results in lots of frustrated toddler tantrums and one helpless mom. Sometimes he's just whining and whining and I can't figure out what the heck he needs, but we're taking it day by day. Not being cooped up in the house helps, so we've made lots of target/lowes/grocery store/park/around the block trips. 

^pushing a Costco cart in a life jacket. Totally normal 

Our landscaping project is coming right along. We have gravel laid for the fire pit, plans this week for the patio to be poured, and half a fence up. Grass is scheduled for April 7th, so everything has to be done by then! Jake spent Saturday installing sprinklers and was basically in heaven driving a tractor all day digging trenches. Bonus, he looked smokin' while doing it! 


The Gardners came over for dinner tonight. We love their company! We got to meet Bradley's fiancĂ©, and Callie and Seth's boy James is such a fun little playmate for Ryan. They look so much alike and it was super cute to see them running around and playing together. James is a little older and less reserved, so sometimes Ryan would just be staring at him watching his every move. They took a little sink bath together after we ate so I snapped a couple pictures. Sweet little red heads! 


We also got to spend an evening with miss Elli at grandma and grandpa's house! These two fight for attention like no other when they're together, it's pretty hilarious. 


We had planned to spend a couple days in California as one last hoorah as a family of 3, but as we looked at our calendar we realized I was going to be 35+ weeks pregnant before we could get away. Flying that near to the end felt too risky, so we decided we'd just drive to Logan this weekend and spend a night there instead. Less planning required and closer to home. Our only goals for the trip are to visit Emmy, swim, eat good food, and take a load off. Pictures to come! 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What we've been up to

We've been busy bees over here! Projects, outings, baby milestones, and perhaps the most daunting of all...landscaping. Here's a little (and by little I mean long and wordy) photo recap. 

Valentine's Day was a simple and sweet day. Jake had to go into the office, so Ryan and I hung out at home. Heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, of course. No pictures though. They pretty much just looked like blobs. I have a couple years to get better at shaped pancakes before the kid starts caring. Ha :)

Jake came home with Zupas (every pregnant girls dream) and the most beautiful bouquet of flowers! Tulips, roses, and baby's breath. My favorites. 

Our boy is walking now, and he's the most mischievous little thing! Here we have a naked baby on the run, unrolling all the toilet paper, with a lint roller stuck to his butt. Pretty much sums it up! 

We finally bought his first pair of walkin shoes. I've had my eyes on Freshly Picked moccs for a long time, and finally had a reason to buy a pair. They're so dang cute on him!

Two ear infections right in a row for this one. After a whole year of nothing but runny noses, it finally happened. Poor dude. In fact, we've all been sick a TON the past couple of months! Looking forward to spring for sure. 

We turned the little nook right inside our front door into a mini mud room. It turned out so cute! Shiplap for the win. And three cheers for pink plywood, I almost went crazy seeing that sit there before we got around to painting it.

The bump is coming right along, 28 weeks now! This pregnancy has gone by crazy fast. Blows my mind that we're already in the third trimester. I go back and forth between feeling ready and feeling like this whole mom of two thing is going to crush me. Jake's like, "bring it on! Let's have all the babies!!" so I mostly just try to let his excitement and positivity carry me along. :) Overall I'm just really anxious to meet this baby, and I know I've got tons of support and people to love on us, so all is well!
And while we're sneaking a picture of Maeve, this dog is a dream! She fits in so nicely. I hope we have many more years with her! 

My grandpa Moore passed last month. I spent some good time with him as a child/young teen, and most of what I remember was when he had dimentia. The funny stories that made no sense were plentiful, my favorite being when he was in a rest home and told Jake and I that he got there by "coming over those mountains and into America!" His funeral was simple and sweet. These two cousins got to hang out and swap food at lunch afterwards. 

Ryan has a deep newfound love for his grandma. If she's around, he seriously will accept no less than being in her arms. He freaks out if someone else tries to take him away from her! 

Paige and I went to Momday Conference on Saturday, which was basically an all day event for moms including speakers, dinner, and booths at the end. It was super worthwhile and inspiring! Bridger got to come as a nursing baby, and he was subjected to catching Paige's taco spills. He didn't seem to mind. ;) Big shout out to my amazing husband for spending the day alone with Ryan! 

And finally...landscaping. This has been a much anticipated project as the weather warms up, and it's finally time! I can not tell you how excited I am to not deal with the mud in the house every time the dog goes out to pee. I will never take grass for granted again! 
We started with the front yard. It was really rocky and uneven. Here's a before and after. It is now graded, de-rocked, and sprinklers are in the ground! Next step- grass. The sod companies start cutting around the first of  April....but who's counting, right?

We just had a retaining wall put in on the other side of our property. (not looks just like the one above. :) Now we are waiting for the HOA to approve our fencing plan, and then we're good to go on installing that. In the meantime, Jake has a couple friends coming over to help him pour the patio, and then he will smooth out the back yard and lay sprinklers. Then...grass!! I have big plans for a vegetable garden this year and can't wait to bring our back patio dreams to life. Our goal is to have it 100% complete by the time baby gets here, so far we're looking good. This project is huge and is definitely the worst part about building a home vs buying a home that is already landscaped. In the end it will be well worth it! 

Well, there's our recap. I realize I'd be a better blogger if I consistently wrote smaller posts instead of writing one giant one every couple of months...haha. Working on it. ;)

Monday, March 6, 2017

The big O N E

We've got ourselves a one year old! (Like a month ago, but who's keeping track...) So much has already changed since then, but here's our Instagram monthly update from the little guy's birthday! 
Happy happy Birthday to my Ryan! You're officially ONE! At a whole 12 months old, our boy •crawls like a maniac and is FAST! •scales furniture and walls like a pro, and has started experimenting with letting go •has a couple favorites...grandma and dad are high on the list •is into mischief all day •loves to rough house and be chased •snuggles into other kids, animals, and strangers so sweetly upon greeting 
We kept it super low key for his celebration. We just had the grandparents and siblings (and Paige) over for cake and a few presents. It was perfect! He wasn't too overwhelmed and got to stuff chocolate cake in his face. What else could he ask for?! He was so funny about the cake. I held him while we sang, and then plopped him in his seat with a big slab of cake. He was really careful at first, picking at the frosting with one finger. Once he realized what was actually in front of him, he went to town! He would take a big handful, squish it in his fist, and then eat what oozed through his fingers. Ha! It was like he was afraid someone was going to change their mind and take it away, so he wanted to eat as much as he could as fast as possible. 

^^ I love this picture because I look like a total goon, and both Jake and Ryan have "mom's nuts" written all over their faces. Makes me laugh ;)

What a whirlwind of a year it's been! If I've learned anything, it's that you're almost certainly not going to be the mom you imagined you would be. And that's ok! It's all about going with the flow, and accepting that you know nothing. Haha! Talk about a huge learning curve. They're not kidding when they say your first kid is the experiment. Motherhood is so incredibly challenging, and equally rewarding. I wouldn't trade these days with Ryan for the world! I hope he knows how much I adore being his mama.