Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I've had a couple people ask me what the hardest or most surprising part about being a mom has been so far. Honestly, we've had a fairly seamless ride. We feel really really lucky to say that. Ryan sleeps well and I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home mom, so really whatever I lose at night I can make up during the day in naps. He's been a great nurser from the beginning, so we skipped a couple road blocks there too.
Now obviously I can't complain too much after telling you what I just did, but I'll tell you what. The kid HATES the car. I mean, really really really hates it. He's fine in the car seat, but by the time I'm halfway down the driveway he's screaming bloody murder. We've tried everything we can think of- inserts, no inserts, binky, toys, white noise, cover, no cover, shushing, holding his hand, blanket, no blanket. Nothing works! He just cries and cries until we pull him out.
So, there we have it. The hardest part of motherhood so far is leaving the house. I dread the thought. Good thing he's cute. ;)

Pictured: a rare occasion weeeeeks ago when I got him to suck on a binky in the car and he fell asleep.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Two Month Update!

Ryan turned 2 months old on Easter Sunday! (3/27) 
I seriously can't believe how fast time is going by. It feels like he was just born yesterday, yet I look at pictures of him as a newborn and realize how much he has grown. What is it about motherhood that suddenly makes time go by lightning fast? 

At 8 weeks:
-Awesome eater, and a pro sleeper. (Although every time I say that he goes from sleeping 5-7 hour stretches at night to waking up every hour)
-Has quite the strong little neck and loves sitting up on your lap 
-He loves his daddy. He could stare at him all day long! 
-Has mastered smiling and is a little chatterbox when he's not nursing and napping, which is 90% of our day. :)
-Occasionally he will stare and stare at his hands with a completely confused look on his face. It's the funniest thing!
-Weighs 11 lb 10 oz, 24 1/4 in long

Our boy is really starting to develop a personality. When he makes eye contact and smiles, I swear you can see little wheels turning in his brain. He's figuring out life in this big scary world and I'm so lucky to be his mama!

Easter Weekend 2016

We had such a fun Easter weekend! On Saturday morning Emmy came and visited. It was so much fun having her over and her baby lovin' was so so helpful- I forget how nice it is to have two hands! She gets to take credit for all the bunny ears on the cupcakes. :)
That afternoon some of Jake's family came over for a day-before-easter-dinner. It was the first time we had a gathering at the house and I was suuuper excited to host! I decided to take my chances and try 2 new recipes. Luckily everything turned out awesome. (I forgot to take pictures of any guests, but the pretty table and baby made the cut). I adored having a full house!

On Sunday Jake and I took Ryan up Provo Canyon for the first time. We intended to go to Bridal Veil Falls for a quick walk, but we entered the canyon through Springville and ended up at a closed gate. Booo. By that point baby was screaming bloody murder so we ditched our plan and headed straight for the first place we could stop. We ended up finding the cutest campground. There were benches and old swings and tons of grass. After nursing the baby back to sanity, we walked around and relaxed in the sun for a while. Overall, I'd say it was a success!