Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wrecking ball

It finally happened... our first urgent care trip with Ryan. He took a dive out of his high chair and hit his head really hard on the way down. When I got to him his little eyes were heavy and he was lethargic, poor baby. I couldn't calm him down so I called Jake and he rushed home. He had a big dent in the middle of his goose egg (freaky!) and bruising under his eyes. He looked pretty bad. The doctor there was super nice, but did a lot of "hmmm" "well..." "hmmm, let me go do some research." Ha. In the end she said because he wasn't vomiting or passing out we were good to go. 

A couple days later we were at the pediatrician and I mentioned his fall. Our AWESOME doctor decided to look him over and told us he definitely had a concussion and likely a small skull fracture. Whaaaat! So upset that the urgent care doctor didn't diagnose that. He said statistically most kiddos in his situation heal just fine, so we just need to watch him close for a couple weeks. They don't like to do imaging unless they have to because of the radiation. If he throws up or starts acting abnormal, it's straight to the ER. So far so good. He seems pretty normal except for that weird dent on his forehead. It's hard to capture it in a picture, but you can kind of see it here. 

If that doesn't go away in a week, I'll probably call and ask if they'll check him again. It's freaky looking and mama isn't messin around with head injury! 

We thought for sure he'd get a gnarly black eye, but he's healed up so fast! The bruising is hardly even there anymore. 

Two days after his fall, he stepped on piece of glass I missed from a broken cup. Luckily it wasn't super deep, but man! This kid is accident prone!  

My dad has been lovingly calling him wrecking ball for some time now. I have to admit it fits him! Everyone cross your fingers for NO more injuries for a long time! 

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